Catching Pheasants
Across the country, pheasants and hunters are significant economic and conservation drivers. “Pheasant states" place a high value on retaining such advantages. According to Pheasant Forever Inc., pheasant hunters have contributed about $1 billion to conservation efforts. Jamie Linder from Fairport, N.Y., has been a pheasant hunting guide for three years alongside his dogs, Hudson and Memphis. Hudson and Memphis are German shorthaired pointers and have been raised as bird dogs since birth. The dogs have instincts to point by stopping and pointing their noses at prey, which is where the name "pointer" originates. Linder then flushes the pheasants, allowing the hunters to shoot them down.
Hudson, a German short-haired pointer, carries a female pheasant back to his owner, Jamie Linder. Hudson (6) has been training to retrieve and point out pheasants since he was 8 weeks old.
Brady Winski, Keith Cadwell, Jack Winski, and Fred Cadwell participate in their annual family pheasant hunt, guided by pheasant hunting guide Jamie Linder at Fetherquest in Le Roy, N.Y., on Nov. 27, 2022. Jamie Linder from Fairport, N.Y. has been a pheasant hunting guide for three years alongside his dogs, Hudson and Memphis. Hudson and Memphis are German shorthaired pointers and have been raised as bird dogs since birth.
German shorthairs, Memphis and Hudson, prepare for tomorrow’s pheasant hunt on Nov. 25, 2022, at their home with owner Jamie Linder in Fairport, N.Y. Hudson (6) has been pheasant hunting for five years, while Memphis (4 months) is currently learning how to point.
Feathers of a male ring-necked pheasant.
6-year-old pointer Hudson flushes a pheasant while owner Jamie Linder ducks, awaiting hunters to shoot. on Nov. 27, 2022, in LeRoy, N.Y.
Keith Cadwell searches the woods for a pheasant that flew over and was shot down on Nov. 27, 2022 in LeRoy, N.Y.
Pheasants are lined up for a photo at the end of the hunt on Nov. 27, 2022 in LeRoy, N.Y.